Bhera is a Historical city
Bhera Sharif is Historical CIty:( Latitude 32.48 N , Longitude 72.92 ) Bhera is located on the mid point of Lahore and Islamabad Moterway , and connects with Bhera interchange . Sub tehsel Bhera is the historical city of distt Sargodha . It population is 50000.Old Bhera is same like old Lahore and old peshawer.Its markets and streets are too much narrow . There is a circular road around the Bhera city . Old Bhera was situated on the right bank of the River Jehlum , on the opposite side new Bhera is located. There are heaps of ruins .It's markets and streets can be seen on the other bank of the River Jehlum .Bhera is older than Harpa and Mohanjudaro. It was destroyed in 1935 because of the disputes among the pathan forces. and was again located at the left bank of the Jehlum . King Sheer Shah Suri was the founder of new city. when Sheer Shah Suri visited to the old city, he was so sad to see the destroyed areas. He tented at the left bank of river Jehlum . Near Qaimnath's hut ,he constructed first building there. He also constructed Shahi Jamie Mosque in the new city. It seems beautiful that of Delhi ,Agra and Lahore's Shahi Mosques. He made a journali road and along with this road , he also built an Eidgah and water tanks for the passengers .1300 years before ,many Muslim saints passed by Bhera . who became famous in all Asia . First businessmen and scholars arrive here, then Gaznavi,Guri,Aebak,Babar and Ahmed shah Abdali passed by the city to attack the cruel Rajas and Marhatas . Before the arrival of Arias, Bhera was the center of business of west Pakistan .Along with other things peckokes were also presented to Hazrat Sulaiman(A.S) . The people of this area was well educated. The people of other cities and countries had been learning Tib, Gughrafia etc. from here .When Sikander Azam thought to conquer the whole world, conquering other countries ,Iran and Hindu kash, he reached in Punjab and came to the River Biyas and then turned back here . when Sikander came from mountain Faraz to Damin-i-Koh. Bhera's Raja operated with him like Raja Anbees , and stayed four days at Bhera .and a cross River Jehlum to battle with Raja PORUS.Capitan DEVAS came to Bhera he rebuild eight Gates of city to different sides of city .Their was eight gate around the Bhera city ,Multani Gate , Lahori Gate ,Kashmiri Gate ,Kabuli Gate ,Peeran wala Gate ,Chinioti Gate , Loharan wala Gate , Hajji Gulab Gate ,Only four gates have been able to survive to date , Peeran wala Gate , Hajji Gulab Gate , Loharan wala Gate and Qabli Gate are damage know,Bhera was the greatest business center of South ASIA . Bhera was also called wheat center and market of Mehndi . The camel was used before the train and bus. There was many inns for businessman's stay. Bhera was great center of industries Knife and Sword were made carefully. Wood works was so famous . One of the carved door of Bhera city is also exists even today in the Museum of Lahore .Indoor city their are many beautiful buildings in Mohala Khawajgan , Ansari and Sheesh Mehol . Addition to these in Mohala Hafazana Aurangzeb Alamgeer constructed a mosque. near Chinioti Gate Markzi Mosque Mohala Sheikhanwal"s Mosque and Chinese's tomb near Cabli gate .In first Bhera was situated in a circular road, as soon as population increase , the peoples build different Calumnies out of circular road . New Colonies names are ,Lall wali Lokri , Islam pur , Zain Pur , Hajka , Ali pur , Nseer abad , Fazil imaam , Sadiqa abad ,Fateh Gadh , Boodhi wala , Dhollenwala and Mehar Abad
Bhera's Link Road:
Bhera to Bhalwal & Sargodha , Bhera to Malkwal , Shah Pur & Khushab , Bhera to Salam , Bhera to Duhari , and main internationl road Moterway
Abu shaheen farooqi :Was the writer of the book "The History of Bhera" . He was the great journalist . Editor of Haft roza Tabusam . And numainda of "Nawaie waqt" He remained the chairman of Bhera Press Club as long time.
Khan Bahadar Fazal ul Haq Paracha:
Was the son of Bhera and great leader , in 1930 Indian National Assembly's elected members , his brother Khan Bahadar Fazal elhai Paracha selected in the both are Indian National Assembly's member in same time . He was in charge of election commotion before the division of Pak,India . When English Govt planed to division of Pak India , they suggest that the area relates to Muslims population may be allotted to Pakistan and area of Hindus population allotted to India . The Lahore was the Hindus area by population . but they shows the Lahore area of Muslims by population in Govt record . for which Lahore is the part of Pakistan .
Ehsan ul Haq Paracha:
Was elected member of Punjab Assembly and again in 1977 , In 1985 he was elected Senator and financial Minister . In 1988 elected the member of National Assembly and again in 1990 . In 1993 Minister of Business of Pakistan and in 1994 he was elected Senator for six years . He is a great man
Justice Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari:
Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah, Al-Azhari (R.A.) was born on 1st July 1918, (Monday 21st Ramadan al-Mubarak, 1336 Hijri), in Bhera Sharif, Pakistan. The Honourable Shaykh obtained initial education through his beloved father, Shaykh Muhammad Shah (R.A.). After his education at school, the Honourable Shaykh enrolled at the Madrassah Naeemia, Muradabad, India till 1942. Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat then went on to enrol at one of Pakistan’s famous universities, Punjab University, where he obtained his Master Degree in 1945. The Honourable Shaykh then went on to travel to Cairo, Egypt, the world's famous Al-Azhar University, during the periods of 1951-1954 in, which he obtained the highest degree in Islamic Jurisprudence. When Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat returned to Pakistan, he became the Spiritual Disciple of Shaykh-ul-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khawaja Muhammad Qamar-al-Din Sialvi, (1906-1981). Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari was a Saint in the Chishti Nizami Sufi Order.After completion of his studies, Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah, Al-Azhari (R.A.), founded the world's famous, Dar-ul-‘Uloom Al-Muhammadiya Al-Ghawthiyya, (DMG University Bhera, Pakistan). This was one of the first educational institutes of its kind to use syllabus of both Islamic Knowledge and B.A. in English, for both boys and girls.Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat has translated the Holy Quran in the Urdu Language, by the name of Jamal-ul-Quran and provided the detailed exegesis of the Holy Quran in five volumes, by the name Zia-ul-Quran. The Honourable Shaykh also wrote the detailed masterpiece, Seerah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalehi Wasallam, in seven volumes, by the name Zia-un-Nabi. One of the first books of the Honourable Shaykh was the Sunnah Khair-ul-Anaam. Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, also was the founder of the world famous Islamic Magazine Zia-e-Harem, which has subscribers all over the world.Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari (R.A.), served in the Federal Shariah Court as the Chief Justice. The Honourable Shaykh, also held the position of a Judge on the bench of the, Supreme Court of Pakistan, on the request of the Government of Pakistan till the day of his passing away. Along with many, many achievements and awards, Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari (R.A.), on 6th March 1993, was presented with the Naut-ul-Imtiaz by the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak.Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat (R.A.) passed away on the day of Eid-ul-Adha in the year of 1998, (Inna lillahi was inna ilayhi rajioon). On Wednesday 7th April 2004, on the death anniversary of Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat (R.A), Pakistan Post Office issued a commemorative postage stamp of two rupees. The Honourable Shaykh was known as, The Luminary Light of the Islamic Nation.
Pir Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnaat Shah:
Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah Chishti Al-Quraishi was born on 9th May 1950, (25th Rajab 1369 Hijri). The Honourable Shaykh is the son of Huzoor Zia-ul-ummat Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari (R.A.). Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam is the Sajjada Nasheen of Bhera Sharif, Pakistan. The Honourable Shaykh studied in the holy city of Makkah tul-Mukaramah at the famous, Umm-ul-Qurra University, Makkah, where he obtained his Master Degree in Islamic Law.The Honourable Shaykh is currently the Chancellor of DMG University Bhera, Pakistan and Kuliya tul-Ghawthiya. The Honourable Shaykh is also the Principal to over 150 smaller educational institutions and is the Patron-in-Chief of the world famous Jamia Al-Karam based in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of Nottinghamshire in the UK. In the entire network of these Islamic Centres around the world, over 25,000 people are benefiting from the teachings of Islam taught by those who have mastered the sciences at the hands of Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat and Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah, Chaishti Al-Quraishi.Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah Chishti Al-Quraishi is the Chief Editor of Zia-e-Harem and has organised the translations of the books of Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat (R.A.), to be done in English. Jamal-ul-Quran has been completed and published in the English Translation and is on sale in many book shops around the world. However the Taffsir, Zia-ul-Quran and Zia-un-Nabi is still in the process of being translated in English from Urdu and will be published very soon. Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah is a Saint in the Chishti Nizami Sufi Order.
Justice Javed Iqbal:
is son of Bhera ,is surving as justice supreme court of Pakistan .He was The Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court his father Malik Abdul Hameed was a son of Bhera, retired as DIG Queta, his brother Malik Abdur Rauf was also retired as D.I.G Sargodha .
Bhera Sharif is Historical CIty:( Latitude 32.48 N , Longitude 72.92 ) Bhera is located on the mid point of Lahore and Islamabad Moterway , and connects with Bhera interchange . Sub tehsel Bhera is the historical city of distt Sargodha . It population is 50000.Old Bhera is same like old Lahore and old peshawer.Its markets and streets are too much narrow . There is a circular road around the Bhera city . Old Bhera was situated on the right bank of the River Jehlum , on the opposite side new Bhera is located. There are heaps of ruins .It's markets and streets can be seen on the other bank of the River Jehlum .Bhera is older than Harpa and Mohanjudaro. It was destroyed in 1935 because of the disputes among the pathan forces. and was again located at the left bank of the Jehlum . King Sheer Shah Suri was the founder of new city. when Sheer Shah Suri visited to the old city, he was so sad to see the destroyed areas. He tented at the left bank of river Jehlum . Near Qaimnath's hut ,he constructed first building there. He also constructed Shahi Jamie Mosque in the new city. It seems beautiful that of Delhi ,Agra and Lahore's Shahi Mosques. He made a journali road and along with this road , he also built an Eidgah and water tanks for the passengers .1300 years before ,many Muslim saints passed by Bhera . who became famous in all Asia . First businessmen and scholars arrive here, then Gaznavi,Guri,Aebak,Babar and Ahmed shah Abdali passed by the city to attack the cruel Rajas and Marhatas . Before the arrival of Arias, Bhera was the center of business of west Pakistan .Along with other things peckokes were also presented to Hazrat Sulaiman(A.S) . The people of this area was well educated. The people of other cities and countries had been learning Tib, Gughrafia etc. from here .When Sikander Azam thought to conquer the whole world, conquering other countries ,Iran and Hindu kash, he reached in Punjab and came to the River Biyas and then turned back here . when Sikander came from mountain Faraz to Damin-i-Koh. Bhera's Raja operated with him like Raja Anbees , and stayed four days at Bhera .and a cross River Jehlum to battle with Raja PORUS.Capitan DEVAS came to Bhera he rebuild eight Gates of city to different sides of city .Their was eight gate around the Bhera city ,Multani Gate , Lahori Gate ,Kashmiri Gate ,Kabuli Gate ,Peeran wala Gate ,Chinioti Gate , Loharan wala Gate , Hajji Gulab Gate ,Only four gates have been able to survive to date , Peeran wala Gate , Hajji Gulab Gate , Loharan wala Gate and Qabli Gate are damage know,Bhera was the greatest business center of South ASIA . Bhera was also called wheat center and market of Mehndi . The camel was used before the train and bus. There was many inns for businessman's stay. Bhera was great center of industries Knife and Sword were made carefully. Wood works was so famous . One of the carved door of Bhera city is also exists even today in the Museum of Lahore .Indoor city their are many beautiful buildings in Mohala Khawajgan , Ansari and Sheesh Mehol . Addition to these in Mohala Hafazana Aurangzeb Alamgeer constructed a mosque. near Chinioti Gate Markzi Mosque Mohala Sheikhanwal"s Mosque and Chinese's tomb near Cabli gate .In first Bhera was situated in a circular road, as soon as population increase , the peoples build different Calumnies out of circular road . New Colonies names are ,Lall wali Lokri , Islam pur , Zain Pur , Hajka , Ali pur , Nseer abad , Fazil imaam , Sadiqa abad ,Fateh Gadh , Boodhi wala , Dhollenwala and Mehar Abad
Bhera's Link Road:
Bhera to Bhalwal & Sargodha , Bhera to Malkwal , Shah Pur & Khushab , Bhera to Salam , Bhera to Duhari , and main internationl road Moterway
Abu shaheen farooqi :Was the writer of the book "The History of Bhera" . He was the great journalist . Editor of Haft roza Tabusam . And numainda of "Nawaie waqt" He remained the chairman of Bhera Press Club as long time.
Khan Bahadar Fazal ul Haq Paracha:
Was the son of Bhera and great leader , in 1930 Indian National Assembly's elected members , his brother Khan Bahadar Fazal elhai Paracha selected in the both are Indian National Assembly's member in same time . He was in charge of election commotion before the division of Pak,India . When English Govt planed to division of Pak India , they suggest that the area relates to Muslims population may be allotted to Pakistan and area of Hindus population allotted to India . The Lahore was the Hindus area by population . but they shows the Lahore area of Muslims by population in Govt record . for which Lahore is the part of Pakistan .
Ehsan ul Haq Paracha:
Was elected member of Punjab Assembly and again in 1977 , In 1985 he was elected Senator and financial Minister . In 1988 elected the member of National Assembly and again in 1990 . In 1993 Minister of Business of Pakistan and in 1994 he was elected Senator for six years . He is a great man
Justice Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari:
Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah, Al-Azhari (R.A.) was born on 1st July 1918, (Monday 21st Ramadan al-Mubarak, 1336 Hijri), in Bhera Sharif, Pakistan. The Honourable Shaykh obtained initial education through his beloved father, Shaykh Muhammad Shah (R.A.). After his education at school, the Honourable Shaykh enrolled at the Madrassah Naeemia, Muradabad, India till 1942. Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat then went on to enrol at one of Pakistan’s famous universities, Punjab University, where he obtained his Master Degree in 1945. The Honourable Shaykh then went on to travel to Cairo, Egypt, the world's famous Al-Azhar University, during the periods of 1951-1954 in, which he obtained the highest degree in Islamic Jurisprudence. When Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat returned to Pakistan, he became the Spiritual Disciple of Shaykh-ul-Islam wa’l-Muslimeen, Khawaja Muhammad Qamar-al-Din Sialvi, (1906-1981). Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari was a Saint in the Chishti Nizami Sufi Order.After completion of his studies, Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah, Al-Azhari (R.A.), founded the world's famous, Dar-ul-‘Uloom Al-Muhammadiya Al-Ghawthiyya, (DMG University Bhera, Pakistan). This was one of the first educational institutes of its kind to use syllabus of both Islamic Knowledge and B.A. in English, for both boys and girls.Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat has translated the Holy Quran in the Urdu Language, by the name of Jamal-ul-Quran and provided the detailed exegesis of the Holy Quran in five volumes, by the name Zia-ul-Quran. The Honourable Shaykh also wrote the detailed masterpiece, Seerah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalehi Wasallam, in seven volumes, by the name Zia-un-Nabi. One of the first books of the Honourable Shaykh was the Sunnah Khair-ul-Anaam. Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, also was the founder of the world famous Islamic Magazine Zia-e-Harem, which has subscribers all over the world.Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat, Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari (R.A.), served in the Federal Shariah Court as the Chief Justice. The Honourable Shaykh, also held the position of a Judge on the bench of the, Supreme Court of Pakistan, on the request of the Government of Pakistan till the day of his passing away. Along with many, many achievements and awards, Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari (R.A.), on 6th March 1993, was presented with the Naut-ul-Imtiaz by the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak.Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat (R.A.) passed away on the day of Eid-ul-Adha in the year of 1998, (Inna lillahi was inna ilayhi rajioon). On Wednesday 7th April 2004, on the death anniversary of Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat (R.A), Pakistan Post Office issued a commemorative postage stamp of two rupees. The Honourable Shaykh was known as, The Luminary Light of the Islamic Nation.
Pir Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnaat Shah:
Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah Chishti Al-Quraishi was born on 9th May 1950, (25th Rajab 1369 Hijri). The Honourable Shaykh is the son of Huzoor Zia-ul-ummat Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari (R.A.). Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam is the Sajjada Nasheen of Bhera Sharif, Pakistan. The Honourable Shaykh studied in the holy city of Makkah tul-Mukaramah at the famous, Umm-ul-Qurra University, Makkah, where he obtained his Master Degree in Islamic Law.The Honourable Shaykh is currently the Chancellor of DMG University Bhera, Pakistan and Kuliya tul-Ghawthiya. The Honourable Shaykh is also the Principal to over 150 smaller educational institutions and is the Patron-in-Chief of the world famous Jamia Al-Karam based in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of Nottinghamshire in the UK. In the entire network of these Islamic Centres around the world, over 25,000 people are benefiting from the teachings of Islam taught by those who have mastered the sciences at the hands of Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat and Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah, Chaishti Al-Quraishi.Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah Chishti Al-Quraishi is the Chief Editor of Zia-e-Harem and has organised the translations of the books of Huzoor Zia-ul-Ummat (R.A.), to be done in English. Jamal-ul-Quran has been completed and published in the English Translation and is on sale in many book shops around the world. However the Taffsir, Zia-ul-Quran and Zia-un-Nabi is still in the process of being translated in English from Urdu and will be published very soon. Huzoor Muffakir-ul-Islam, Shaykh Muhammad Amin-ul-Hasnat Shah is a Saint in the Chishti Nizami Sufi Order.
Justice Javed Iqbal:
is son of Bhera ,is surving as justice supreme court of Pakistan .He was The Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court his father Malik Abdul Hameed was a son of Bhera, retired as DIG Queta, his brother Malik Abdur Rauf was also retired as D.I.G Sargodha .
Mehar Muhammed Allah din
Mehar Allah din was the Contracter of canals he was also the cheif of his tribe
he was very wise person